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Answers to your frequently asked questions.

Can you confirm pregnancy?

No, we do not confirm pregnancy. This is an elective non-diagnostic ultrasound. Please continue to receive treatment from your healthcare provider for prenatal care.


Do you send these images to my doctor?

No, we do not. These images are non-diagnostic and are not reviewed by a physician or radiologist. Please continue to receive care and regular diagnostic ultrasounds from your healthcare provider!

These images & video are purely for entertainment and family bonding purposes only. 



Can I bring someone with me?

Absolutely! You can bring up to 5 people with you to your appointment.


When is the best time to come for my 3D/4D/5D?

28-34 weeks is our favorite! You can see so much detail and baby has a good amount of fat on them. Cute chubby cheeked babies at this point. 


26-33 weeks are best for twins. 


When is the best time to come for my 3D/4D/5D?

28-34 weeks is our favorite! You can see so much detail and baby has a good amount of fat on them. Cute chubby cheeked babies at this point. 


26-33 weeks are best for twins. 


We can also scan you with 2D anytime after 16 weeks. 


Many moms like to come twice, early at 16-25 weeks, when they can see the baby as a whole, and then again at 28-34 weeks to see a more detailed face.

After 34-35 weeks, it gets more difficult t obtain good pictures since baby starts to run out of room. But we've had great success with images up to 39 weeks, just depends!


Is ultrasound safe?

Extensive studies over the last 35+ years have shown that ultrasound causes no adverse effects to mother or fetus.

Ultrasound uses soundwaves to look inside the body and is routinely used during pregnancy. 


Do you accept insurance? 

No, we do not accept insurance because this is an elective procedure. 


This is non-diagnostic and just for fun, so you can see your sweet baby and share with your family. 


How can I be sure to get the best possible 3D/4D pictures?

Maintain a healthy fluid intake. This will help ensure your amniotic fluid is clear and full. However, there are many things out of the sonographers control, like baby's position, the mothers skin type and build, amount of amniotic fluid, etc.


How should I prepare for my ultrasound?

Stay very hydrated the week of your appointment. The more you drink the better your amniotic fluid will be for imaging at your appointment. 

No need for a full bladder for the 3D/4D ultrasound! 

Bring drinks or snack to the appointment in case we need to get baby to move!


Will I always get great images of my baby?

Most of the time we are able to, but not always. Sometimes if the baby is looking face down toward mom's  spine we are unable to get images, or if the baby is laying against the placenta, or breech. 

Every baby scans differently, but we promise to make every effort to obtain the best possible images! 

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